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Home Mission Giving

There are a number of ways you can give to Home Mission. We appreciate the support from our churches and the donations you give.

Your support is vital and positively impacts those who receive your help.


Donate via your church: Many of our Association Churches have Home Mission Representatives who give updated stories of those who've received grants, order collection boxes and organise fundraising events to raise money for Home Mission. Churches also give to Home Mission regularly. You can ask your local church how to donate through them.

Direct to the Association: via Standing Order or cheque. Cheques made payable to "Baptist Union of GB South Wales" can be sent to SWBA Home Mission, 54 Richmond Road, Cardiff CF24 3UR. Standing Orders can be set up, payable to "Baptist Union of GB South Wales", Sort Code 40-19-35, Account Number 91264036

Please consider Gift-Aiding your donation, click here to download a Gift-Aid Declaration.

Leave a Legacy: Generous giving has released pioneering mission, enabled churches to afford dedicated leadership, funded mission engagement on the margins through chaplaincy and also provided invaluable support and guidance from the Regional and Specialist Teams.


The vast majority of our funding comes through the faithful giving of people who share our vision for growing healthy churches in relationship for God’s mission. Your giving makes a real difference. By leaving a gift in your will you can give something that will be a lasting legacy for the Kingdom: to find out more please click here.


Online Donation

Use your QR reader to make a donation online with the possibility to Gift Aid your donation

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