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Useful Websites

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The national website of our Union of over 2000 Baptist Churches. There is plenty of interesting information and many invaluable resources. Click below...


BMS works among some of the most marginalised and least evangelised people, in some of the most fragile places on earth. We aim to bring life in all its fullness through seven key ministries: church, development, education, health, justice, leadership and relief. Click below for their website...

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Baptist Insurance has been insuring Baptist churches since 1905 and is now the market leader in the field. The company provides insurance and risk management advice for churches, as well as offering home insurance for Baptists Ministers, church volunteers and church members. Click below for their website...

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Cardiff Baptist College (formerly South Wales Baptist College) equips women and men from a number of Christian denominations for effective Christian ministry and mission in a constantly changing world.


The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is a partnership between the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church. The purpose of JPIT is to help the Churches to work together for peace and justice through listening, learning, praying, speaking and acting on public policy issues.

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Eco Church is A Rocha UK’s award scheme for chapels and churches in Wales and England who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth. A free online survey and supporting resources are designed to equip your church to express your care for God’s world in your worship and teaching; in how you look after your buildings and land; in how you engage with your local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of your congregation. The vision is for churches of all denominations to care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully.

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