Home Mission
Home Mission is all about helping Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities.
The money raised aims to help Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities. It is used to fund:
Grants to local churches: These grants include church planting, renewing local churches and mission project grants. Through Home Mission, hundreds of lives have been affected and many have found faith in Jesus. To find out about grants available to your church, please contact the Regional Team.
The South Wales Baptist Association Team, who are engaged in missional development in our area, supporting new initiatives and churches and supporting the on-going work of churches and their ministers and families.
Three specialist teams based at Baptists Together (Baptist Union of Great Britain) to resource churches in their work through legal, ministries and finance support. In addition, these teams represent the mission of God in national ways such as engaging with Government and speaking out on matters of faith.
We are delighted that Andy Flannagan has written a song for Baptists Together to inspire and encourage us as we embark on adventurous journeys of faith.
You can download the chord chart, the melody score and a full piano score on the Baptist Together Website
Baptist Together have also produced a #missionaladventure web portal - the place for you to discover a world of missional opportunities for you and your church...
With ideas to inspire you,
training to equip you,
and networks to connect you,
all just a click away!
Click Here to go to the #missionaladventure Web Portal