LGBTQ+ Justice Resources
We understand that for some, one of the biggest challenges churches are pastorally responding to is inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in churches.
As an Association we affirm and agree with the statement the Baptist Council made in 2016 on Marriage and the Church.
We also take seriously our need to 'walk with each other in love' recognise the diverse views within our churches and Baptist Together.
We recognise that many of our churches state they are 'welcoming to all' although many people from the LGBTQ+ community feel excluded and marginalised in our churches. Therefore below are some resources to help you as a minister and church think through what it means to be 'welcoming to all' and address the issues of justice for the LGBTQ+ community
Resources from Baptist Together:
The Baptist Union have a section on their website updating you on the advice and rules around Same Sex Marriage and also an expiation of the discernment process they went through. This page also includes information on Ministerial Recognition Rules. Click here to visit the Baptist Together page on Human Sexuality.
Creating Sanctuary:
This is a resource created by baptists to help churches and ministers think through the experience of being an LGB person in our churches. This is resource has six components that can be used in small groups or stand alone sessions - it includes listening to stories and the experiences of church leaders, members of the LGB community. Click here to visit the Creating Sanctuary Website and download / view this free resource.
Affirm (baptists together for LGBTQ+ inclusion):
This is an independent network founded in 2000 of baptists who are working together through social justice, Baptist Together and resourcing local churches for inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community. Click here to visit the Affirm Website
Biblical and Pastoral Response:
The Evangelical Alliance have produced a document that considers explores a Biblical and Pastoral Response to Homosexuality for church leaders; this summaries their position and views. Click here to visit the document on the Evangelical Alliance
The Bible and Homosexuality:
Rev'd Dr Jonathan Tallon, who is one of the Bible Studies Tutor for the Northern Baptist College has produced a website and YouTube Channel exploring what the Bible does and doesn't say about homosexuality, sexuality and gender. The resources he produces include what different scholars have said about homosexuality in the Bible. He has produced helpful overviews and summaries of complex issues and points to further key academic resources for those who want more information. Click here to go to the website
Things to Read:
Here is a list of books that are helpful for reading into and round the issues within LGBTQ+ Inclusion and impacts how we see God's Justice in this area: (this books come from different views and backgrounds)
4 Views of Pastoring LGBTQ Teenagers by Shelly Donaldson, Gemma Dunning, Nick Elio & Eric Woods
A Letter to My Congregation: an evangelical pastors path to embracing people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender into the company of Jesus by Ken Wilson
A Life of Unlearning: a preachers struggle with his homosexuality, church and faith by Anthony Venn-Brown
Amazing Love: theology for understanding discipleship, sexuality and mission by Andrew Davison
Changing Our Mind by David P Gushee
God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines
God and the Transgender Debate by Andrew T Walker
Homosexuality: Christian truth and love by Paul E Brown
Is God anti-gay? by Sam Allberry
More Perfect Union? Understanding Same Sex Marriage by Allan Wilson
People to be Loved: why homosexuality is not just an issue by Preston Sprinkle
Same Sex Relationships by John Stott
Sexuality, Faith & the art of Conversation by Stephen Elmes
Sexuality: the Inclusive Church Resource by Susannah Cornwall
The Gender Agenda: towards biblical theology on gender identity, reassignment and confirmation by Steve Chalke
The Plausibility Problem; the church and same sex attraction by Ed Shaw
The Possibility of Difference by Marcus Green
Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible and the Church by Preston Sprinkle