There is no shortage of digital content right now but if you aren't tired of it, here are some resources that might set you thinking...
Naturally. there is plenty of thinking around the impact of Covid-19:
Andy Glover, team leader of Fresh Streams and HBC Chester asks whether church buildings should ever be opened again.
Richard Hardy, Director of the Entheos Trust and minister at Albany Road Baptist Church, Cardiff shares Seven things he has learned from Lockdown
The Edwin Stephen Griffith’s lecture took a different format this year. Rev’d Dr Robert Beamish produced a Youtube 'lecture' on ‘Preaching in the Time of Covid’ with Rev’d Dr Robert Beamish. This was followed by a stimulating Zoom conversation on Friday 5th June.
Internationally, America has been very much in the news and issues of racism have been brought to the forefront of our minds:
There are a number of Baptist voices responding to the tragic death of George Floyd.
The Bible Society comments on "The Bible and the President"